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New Patient

Welcome to your new dental home! Please complete your new patient paperwork prior to arriving to your first appointment.

Welcome To Your New Dental Home

ProGrin is not your average dental office. You might not know what to expect when you first step into our office, but we are here to help you. One of the most frustrating things about new dental offices is all the paperwork that you have to complete. But, at ProGrin we have made it easy. Prior to your first dental visit, you can complete your new patient paperwork so when you walk in the door you are ready to be taken care of. At your first visit you can expect to receive a complimentary comfort menu along with fresh baked cookies and a coffee bar. To find out more about our office watch the video below.

Fill Out Your Paperwork Online

What To Expect At Your First Appointment

“Welcome to the ProGrin family. We’re so excited to meet you at your first appointment.”
