ProGrin Dental Blog

Answers to your dental questions from South Carolina dentist, Dr. Greg Ayers.

$500 Off SureSmile Clear Aligners
Cosmetic Dentistry |2 min read

$500 Off SureSmile Clear Aligners

You heard that right! From now until July 31st, we are offering all of our new and existing patients $500 off of their SureSmile clear aligner treatment! We are so excited to roll SureSmile out in our offices to provide you with a treatment plan that is fast, easy,...

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Award-Winning Dentistry 2023
Office News |2 min read

Award-Winning Dentistry 2023

ProGrin Dental has been known for its “Award-Winning Dentistry” and “Perfect Patient Experience.” But what exactly are these awards, and how have we revolutionized dentistry? Better Business Bureau ProGrin has been honored to receive the...

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ProGrin Dental