COVID-19 Appointment Information

Your Pre-appointment Checklist:

  • Bring your own personal mask

  • Leave other family members at home (unless patient is elderly or a child)

  • Leave personal belongings at home (big purses, excessive items)

  • Fill out pre-appointment paperwork online that should be emailed to you

  • Brush your teeth before you arrive because we will not have brushing stations open

If you can answer "YES" to the following

Please call our office before confirming your appointment to make sure you are still eligible to come in:
  • Do you have a fever or have you felt feverish?

  • Are you experiencing shortness of breath?

  • Do you have a cough?

  • Do you have any other flu-like symptoms such as GI problems, headache, or fatigue?

  • Have you had a loss of taste or smell?

  • Have you been in contact with anyone with a confirmed COVID case?

  • Traveled outside the country or in dense COVID areas?

What we are doing to keep you safe at your appointment:

  • We will be cleaning and disinfection our waiting rooms, patient rooms and dental chairs, common “touchpoints” to include all doorknobs, switches, countertops at registration/check-out, and restrooms regularly throughout the day.

  • You will be asked a series of screening questions when scheduling your appointment and again before you enter our office.

  • Your temperature will be taken before you enter the office. Hand sanitizer will be provided in our entry ways.

  • Time in between appointments has been extended to ensure thorough cleaning between patients.

  • Check-in will be taken in your car to reduce the number of patients in the reception waiting areas.

  • Our staff has upgraded PPE for the protection of our team and patients.

  • We have removed all use of toys, brochures, and magazines in our waiting areas.

ProGrin Dental